Many organizations have not approached security of their people, assets, and facilities following an integrated approach or kept up with future facing needs. Without a focus on a clear strategic framework to manage security systems, then the solutions oftentimes end up becoming a series of technical silos. Organizations may find it difficult to strike a balance between having too much security that burdens everyone or worse, having too little security which causes exposure to many types of risk and liability. Leaders must ensure an integrated corporate security system is in place to manage risks and bolster resilience. Security decisions made now significantly impact the organization’s security and resilience for years to come.
At RMC, we understand today’s complex safety, operating and regulatory environments. We work with organizations to identify and address the unique security challenges of your industry, sector, and facilities. The RMC team of experts help organizations develop long-term security systems and service strategies to significantly increase your operational safety, emergency preparedness, and sustainability. A core service offering is helping organizations migrate from older legacy security systems that are no longer fit for purpose and meeting future facing needs. We have the technical expertise and have engaged with leading technology solution providers to design migration paths for our clients.